Sunday, July 25, 2010
































Terrorists are the earliest adopters of technology so no expense is spared outfitting America’s future forces. High caliber personnel are being recruited that can handle the load of new technology. Providing these fledgling soldiers with the environment to mature and gain confidence is the premise of Hybrid Forces. For every terror pipeline cut a new one spawns. Outlets of electronic and weapons equipment at low-end prices are conveniently arranged and attained over the internet. Transactions between otherwise unlikely cohorts are alarming US Intelligence Officials fearing imminent interactive terror globalization. Southeast Asia presents a lethal state of this. The lucrative narcotics trade allow extremists to acquire the best money can buy. This is al Qaeda’s new stomping grounds providing weapons, tech-support and funds in return for sanctuary. It is a fitting arrangement for their explosive experts to continue building bombs passing on their knowledge in a vastly lawless region where run-ins with heavily-armed speedboat pirates are common. Al Qaeda train recruits in urban warfare and give them quantum leap in manufacturing explosives. In the past the US scrapped up sloppy seconds when it came to fresh information on foreign affairs. With the War on Terror, the strict initiative is to be the first to know and the first to act!


For over four decades the Defense Intelligence Agency has provided superior information to the warfighter and defense planners delivering an overwhelming advantage. They are taking on a great challenge with the war on terror and are recruiting highly experienced intelligence professionals and integrating them with leading edge technology to strengthen the nation’s effort to track down and dismantle terror plots. Intel Agents are in high demand and in short supply being lured by competing agencies, commercial companies and security firms offering veteran’s big bucks. Bonuses of up to $150,000 are offered to older soldiers to join the DIA. Listed here are three new recruits ready for deployment selected for their intelligence and athleticism:




AGE: 30

HEIGHT: 6’2” WEIGHT: 209 lbs.

DESCRIPTION: COMPLEXION: light tan EYES: brown HAIR: black

BACKGROUND: Italian-American, US Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Western Pacific Special Warfare Unit, served eight years as a Field Agent gathering intelligence working alongside Asian Forces proficient in jungle fighting pursuing narcoterrorists groups in Singapore, Cambodia and Vietnam.



AGE: 32

HEIGHT: 6’3” WEIGHT: 220 lbs.


BACKGROUND: Irish-American, First Class Petty Officer Navy SEAL Operative Team One Special Ops Intelligence Recon Unit, toured extensively with Philippine and Indonesian Forces tracking down al Qaeda members entrenched in remote jungle-clad islands.



AGE: 27

HEIGHT: 6’1” WEIGHT: 193 lbs.

DESCRIPTION: COMPLEXION: bronze EYES: hazel HAIR: dark brown

BACKGROUND: Spanish-American, served two one-year terms in Southeast Asia with the US Army Special Forces Covert Operations Unit. He is a Green Beret Weapons and Communications Noncommissioned Officer, expert in the art of sniping trained to lead strategic intelligence gathering teams deep behind enemy lines inside jungle environments and during adverse conditions.

Soldiers are made not born and these men’s military prowess run deep molded through years of commitment and sacrifice fighting for freedom and democracy where there is little hope but enormous will to succeed. Integrity, honor and pride come with joining America’s prestigious DIA. The agency’s expansive global capacity is one of the most vital arms of the US Military Forces -if not the foremost aside from the Central Intelligence Agency, in providing cadres of Intel Agents. And these are not the run-of-the-mill agents. They are field-tested high-tech geniuses strong-willed, athletic and tough; proficient master linguists in the high-priority languages that include Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Farsi (Iranian), Pashto (Afghan), Turkish and Urdu (Pakistani).





Major General Mark Stafford of the US Marine Corps is the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Special Operations Regional Commander of Southeast Asia. He alerts the new recruits about a hastily called briefing at the Joint Airbase Command Center in Northwest Australia. ShadowVirus receives the urgent message via mobile videophone on airbase grounds. This perfect physical specimen dons the digital tiger stripe battle dress uniform for jungle fighting. He is as tough as he is buff and looks like a character straight out of central casting, but he is the real deal. The airbase continuous activity increased in the wake of the December 26, 2004 Asian Tsunami. Every minute an aircraft zooms in and out. The Control Tower Complex serves as headquarters for briefings on all levels and for gathering, gearing up and dispatching units. It takes a matter of seconds to reach the ground floor one-hundred square-foot planning room abuzz with activity. Inside a cast of military commanders and planners iron out air support strategies for the tsunami relief efforts on a giant mosaic mapboard displaying a geographic overview of Southeast Asia marking the locations, class of Allied, and US forces dispatched in the region.

DarkCloud and ShootingStar sit at a briefing console on an elevated steel platform in the rear section of the room in their BDU’s. These guys really look the part of former all-American jocks that became gritty commandos because of the cool gadgets and weapons, but carry the persona of well-trained military strategists possessing extensive experience and intellect. The intelligence officers work alongside Special Operations Forces in wartime situations like the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan. ShadowVirus with a serious game face walks over and steps onto the platform. He greets the soldiers with a nod of the head while taking the reserved seat on the same side of the console’s table filled with 8in. x 11in. color satellite photos of a mountain jungle range. The comrades sport clean shaving buzz cuts for wearing headgear flush on the surface of the skin. Navy SEAL (Sea, Air and Land) Master Chief Petty Officer Grant Ironside stands by on the left side of the console’s forty-two inch flatpanel touchscreen monitor opposite the table. A second-generation son of Polish immigrants, he is also wearing the digital tiger stripe BDU and measures six foot and two inches tall.

The six-footer Stafford exits from the situation-room at the rear of the platform in his usual disgruntled demeanor wearing US Marine Officer short sleeve dress shirt, tanker jacket, dress blue trousers and black shoes; two silver and gold eagle, globe and anchor ornaments gleam with brilliance adorned on the jacket’s shoulder tips. He is a key commander in the war on terror, the type ridiculed by the media for being too warlike, too aggressive and just too damned tough on enemies of democracy. He goes straight to business displaying footage on the monitor. “As you see by the bloodied face and ripped up garments, this is a captured South Asian Islamic militant tortured to confess the presence of deadly extremists operating in the jungles of Indonesia. These extremists are believed to be part of a growing militia behind countless bombings in the region. Local government forces apprehended the suspect, whose moniker is Abdullah Khan, traveling with false documents en route to meet with associates known to be reputed al Qaeda narcotic traffickers who vanished soon after being tipped narrowly escaping the tentacles of our Intel Agents. To our knowledge the suspect does not specify the nature of their activity and we did not receive the transcript of the interrogation or the seized documents for inspection, but there are reasons to be more than concerned,” he briefs the officers and opens Indonesia’s map page on the monitor.

“Sat-ID was able to identify and pinpoint a source of interference caused by jamming devices primarily used to disrupt military communications in the central mountains of Kalimantan shown here- the militia’s suspected base of operation. Due to the ruggedness of the location, only a small Marine Corps taskforce led by Ironside’s Team One - codenamed FireTalon, was deployed to root out the culprit’s hideout. They’ve managed to track down several suspects and were met by strong resistance. Surveys confirm a current headcount of forty heavily-armed militants strategically positioned at the base of a remote mountain range in the southern outskirts. There’s an unconfirmed number yet to be tallied in an isolated area the taskforce is in the process of reaching. The discovery of high-tech surveillance equipment rigged throughout the area makes it difficult to approach and confront them. Intelligence sources from the region suspect the tsunami relief efforts are providing a cover for smuggling networks to accelerate operations disguising drugs and weapons shipments as supplies pouring in to help the victims. Our main concern are possible filtrations of improvised parts for assembling crude Weapons of Mass Destruction, which can be launched against American interest,” Stafford details. (Sat-ID (Satellite Identification) -a geolocation system helping protect satellites from attacks. Kalimantan -region of the Republic of Indonesia formerly known as Borneo, 3rd largest island in the world; in the western Pacific; mostly covered by dense jungle and rainforest)

The briefing switches to Ironside’s retrospective. “Why not let Indonesia’s government take care of the situation? There are a couple of factors. First off, they and other Asian governments have their hands full with tsunami relief efforts; lack the proper professional manpower and the advantage of satellite assistance. Second of all, we’re also adamant that Asian officials are too lenient and in some cases harbor militants employed as equalizers to do their haunting. However, with western corporations offering billions of dollars for development projects, the light of an economic boom and the benefits it reaps commit them to cooperate with us to conduct Joint Counterterrorism Ops on a very limited basis. In return, inquiring businesses feel more confident investing. For us the limited cooperation is a niche on the foreign front of the War on Terror enough to fit covert operations into effect. Preliminary geological surveys show the area the militia is occupying has vast untapped resources. This is a great opportunity to get rid of the militia to send in teams to conduct a comprehensive survey to plot out land where resources can be extracted. We’ve adopted the task to help keep the area safe through months of investigations and are convinced al Qaeda is involved here which makes it even much more important to us because of the region’s fragile stability,” his take-charge seasoned insight is expressed with the seriousness of the matter at hand.

The Master Chief modifies to a deadpan tone and continues, “The importance of Southeast Asia’s geostrategic position is that it lies in the middle of the sea lanes between the Indian Ocean and Pacific. Much of our energy imports such as oil and gas produced in the gulf region, and exports from the US, must be transported through Southeast Asia. There exist some hotspots around this region that might escalate to large-scale armed conflicts and would undermine our strategic interest. The usage of high-tech portable jamming devices to disrupt military communications is al Qaeda’s hallmark assimilated from the Soviet-era Taliban conflict to move fighters and equipment. Confirmation of militants active in the jungles of Indonesia with possible ties to al Qaeda makes the area an elevated hotspot. The remote jungle location of the jamming signal is indicative of a drug smuggling operation. FireTalon’s primary tasks are to seize the satellite-jamming device and exterminate the hostiles. If al Qaeda is involved, this is important. We want to learn as much as we can to lead us to their commanders. They’re in constant transition changing procedures and whereabouts and are eager to strike big. The clock is still ticking but for how long?”

-In their ever-expanding need to enhance human intelligence gathering - for which George W. Bush was criticized by congress for mishandling, the Department of Defense adopted a refined approach in first dealing with threats. It is to conduct rapid assessments using Special Operations Forces. Though it is not a new installment of counterintelligence procedures, it is a deviation from recent shoot-from-the-hip cowboy diplomacy without learning the network links, true objectives and full capability of terrorists and enemies alike.

ShadowVirus and his two comrades are members of new Secret Battlefield Units within the DIA. Units consist of small teams of intelligence officers working with Special Operations Forces and other troops worldwide on secret missions, including counterterrorism operations. They are gritty soldiers no one can intimidate them. Their job is to provide and gather real-time intelligence while geared for combat. Specialist ShadowVirus - an Intel Analyst, primary role on missions is cataloging noteworthy details. He equips a nifty miniaturized ring scanner and wrist mounted computer. This powerful information gathering, processing and communications gadget scans objects quickly and accurately downloads the data onto a satellite-chip; it can beam information at high-speed to a control center. ShootingStar - an Explosives Specialist, carries a waist mounted Bomb Detection/Defusing Kit and a radio scrambler with a built-in bombjammer designed to defend against radio-controlled improvised explosives by disrupting triggering frequencies. His extensive resumes of certified skills include marksmanship. He is assigned sniper duty and totes a modified Special Purpose Rifle (SPR - a multipurpose precision assault rifle) built to his handling specifications. DarkCloud - a Tracking and Behavioral Specialist, is the Patrol and Squad leader. His strength incorporates land navigation and stealth movement in various environments to infiltrate, survey, assess and set the course of action to execute. It is his job to create maps of uncharted mission areas utilizing handheld radar mapping device with compact display unit and forward looking helmet camera feeding live video footage into the computer system via Bluetooth technology. The DIA operatives designated codenames protect their identities and correspond with their trained specialty. The small size of the unit is easier to manage, fund and replace. They operate similar to conventional GI’s except with boosted combat training, high-tech gadgets and superior weapons and equipment. Their intelligence on tactical enemy engagement alone is deadlier than the machineguns they carry into the field during combat ops.

Stafford hands down the mission objectives as the commander of the unit, “Assignments are to linkup with and assist the taskforce before things get hectic in collecting information on the militia as they go about the task of finding the satellite jamming device. What makes this militia particularly dangerous is that it is basically an unknown new network. There’s little to no Intel on them to provide a profile to work off of. We need to know the type of gear, weapons and technology they’re using in hopes of identifying their network supply connections and severing them to pacify the volatile situation. Anything else discovered of importance along the course is icing on the cake. We are learning a little more each time something useful is found as the operation progresses to acquire the needed data to meet our goal requirements. There’s a window of opportunity to collect essential items of information ahead of Indonesian Army Special Forces preparing to fly in helos (helicopters) weather permitting to raid the area intent on wiping out any and all combatants encountered without discretion. They’ll give us a heads-up preceding their arrival to the mission area concluding a remote aerial survey of the yet to be designated landing zone. Conjunction aside, this could lead to an unwanted friendly-fire incident. These satellite photos of the mission area highlight the location’s prominent terrain features to use as reference points once inside. Study them on the flight to the mission site. It is an extremely rugged mountainous landscape with towering ridges, tall waterfalls, winding rivers and most interesting of all a cliff top plateau. The images are loaded onto the PDA’s. Information collected is logged instantaneously using the touchscreen grid on the department’s webpage which allows us to monitor the team’s progress from here at the Mission Control Center. The communication system employed for the mission is shortwave radio over the secure military network protected from jamming signals. Our technicians have programmed the issued radio sets to the designated frequency. A taskforce correspondent is prepped for contact. Aside from the latest maps, all mission related data is already uploaded into the network device most of which is located inside the Mission Map Page retrievable when needed. The roster of commandos taking part in the operation can be accessed here to view stat sheets of who you’ll be working alongside with.”

For the three man team this is their first field assignment together as members of the Defense Intelligence Agency’s secret battlefield units codenamed SEA (Southeast Asia) Squad One -a hybrid SEAL Team specifically designed for naval interoperability. This squad is part of a larger force of DIA operatives dispatched throughout Southeast Asia assigned to track down dangerous terrorists. They are to pursue the evidence gathered at mission sites to wherever it leads them. Ironside wraps up the briefing with the specifics, “Transportation to the remote jungle location is on a MC-130H Combat Talon II aircraft from which you’ll paratroop. The aircraft provides global, day, night and adverse weather capability to infiltrate, re-supply and extract US Special Operations Forces in politically denied/sensitive defended areas. The special navigation and aerial delivery system will be used to locate a small drop zone and deliver the team with great accuracy and at high speeds. Rapid Response Aerial Units are on standby and will be called on for the mission area extraction.”

The attention turns toward the monitor as Ironside clicks on the taskbar of the touchscreen to a satellite image of the mission area. “Along with the heat and humidity wreaking havoc on electronic equipment, the dense vegetation in naturally fortified areas of transmission plus satellite-jammers are effecting the taskforce instruments delaying streaming pinpoint monitored tracking. This is a deep jungle incursion. The drop-zone highlighted here on the monitor is strategically at a secured location in proximity with the latest coordinates. A landing spot inside the drop-zone will be picked by the aircraft commander. On the surface there is expected to be less interference. The signal should be clearer enabling the network integrated PDA GPS geolocation instruments to coordinate, measure and display the precise location of FireTalon. Due to the rugged landscape hindering satellite imagery, the range of the mission area is largely uncharted requiring land based surveys to map the territory for future reference we are compiling to create an extensive file of the mountain region. DarkCloud as the patrol leader is assigned to compile the data utilizing the handheld mapping device to seamlessly collect the information during the mission. It shouldn’t detract from the primary objectives. Unmapped areas are delineated on the network map to identify which places need mapping to complete the survey being done by the taskforce scout patrol leaders. The Special Operations Command Center in Tampa Florida is providing the satellite support maintaining a clear band of communication to speedup data transfers and track progress. They are our eyes and ears monitoring the sky for aircrafts and airwaves for enemy transmissions. The taskforce radioman’s direct channel is programmed on the network radio. Once the target area is breached, it is estimated as a three hour mission at the max requiring only the essentials be carried to lighten the gear load; a liter of water is suffice along with a compact three hour supply tank of re-breathable oxygen. The mission area is deemed hostile territory authorizing extreme force unless otherwise ordered not to by the commander on the ground leading the taskforce, but as of now all individuals encountered are considered enemy combatants. This is a well organized operation but it is bound to get messy. Be prepared to improvise and follow instructions. Let’s get going we’re on a tight schedule,” Ironside concludes looking straight into the eyes of the men. He is particularly not enamored with the idea of DIA agents working alongside his commandos. The DIA is considered a Department of Defense watchdog among agencies being scrutinized for their misuse of power and sensitive intelligence gathering methods prior to 9/11. They want full control over government resources to fund their programs like any other agency. This joint operation is seen by insiders as another among many secretive ploys of the DIA to achieve their goal of global dominance by assuming roles at every level of the US Armed Forces to eventually become a permanent fixture commanding their own fleet of elite soldiers known as Hybrid Forces geared with state-of-the-art equipment.

Commander Stafford is a staunch Gulf War veteran optimistic of the United States new stance on secret intelligence gathering by Hybrid Forces. He is a soldier at heart and wants the unit to perform up to standards maintaining the integrity of the US Special Forces. “It is still not immediately known how well trained this militia is. A brigade of mercs is believed to be at the core of their forces, although it is not confirmed as of yet. What we do know is that these are ruthless thugs who have massacred the inhabitants of two nearby small villages. They burnt them to the ground in their bloody ethnic cleansing to seize the land for smuggling drugs. The men of the villages were butchered, their woman raped, beaten and left for dead and children forced into slave labor. This is an autonomous region absent of any real authority allowing cartels to routinely commit hostile takeovers and sometimes hire mercs to eradicate the competition and their families. The taskforce found a house with a naked man suspended from the ceiling by a chain. He had been kidnapped by these guerrillas, who took turns coming back to beat him and try to recruit him. These are examples of extremism that need to be stopped. Our Special Forces campaign is one of many joint efforts to put a stop to the violence in the region headed by extremists. You have trained with elements of the taskforce to fit in with their mode of operation and are the best of our new recruits ready for deployment. We are proud to send you into action,” he bids them a soldier’s farewell with a military salute. At this stage of acclimation briefings are concise. The months of rigorous training together forged a close-knit friendship exhibited as they exit the briefing room to gear up. Walking in the middle of ShadowVirus and ShootingStar is DarkCloud -- the tallest of the three at 6’3”; “Its game time,” he grabs the back of their neck and spiritedly tells them. (Mercs - paid mercenaries equipped with the latest military toys.)

On base specialists are required in uniform for instant activation. All they need is to gear-up. Their lockers at the planning room’s adjoining changing quarters contain mannequins that slide out of wall compartments sporting their Government Issued Gear -HK Mark 23 caliber .45 ACP pistol - last resort close quarters combat weapon; FN Special Operations Combat Assault Rifle - semi-automatic all-weather Digital Tiger Stripe finish with built-in muzzle suppressor, combat fighting sling and detachable infrared thermal sights. Each man is furnished with five twenty-round magazine clips of 5.56mm high-velocity projectiles designed for extreme speed over long distances and accuracy. These bullets travel fast and hit hard; Reinforced Helmet - built of Kevlar with hands-free headset communications and clear shatterproof protective visor with anti-fog lenses; Multi-Band Radio/Satellite Phone - Bluetooth headset for the PDA interface module built to military specification with sniper fingertip push-to-talk button and preprogrammed secure channels; Protective Gasmask - with bombproof lightweight re-breathable oxygen tank and hydration system; Tactical Assault All-In-One Floatation Vest - a load bearing vest providing lumbar support incorporating the compact five pound two-in-one hydration/oxygen tank, communication system with etched radio cable webbing, four elastic magazine pouches and a zipper-sealed PDA breastplate pocket protector; Colt Jungle Commando Machete - this solid stainless steel non-glare black finish knife is smaller and more compact than an average machete, but still retains all the weight and chopping power of a full size machete. It’s black reinforced nylon sheath can be worn in a variety of easily accessible positions and has a twelve inch emergency cord; Special Forces apparel line are breathable, quick-drying, thermodynamic, hydrodynamic, odor-inhibiting, anti-static and offers protection from more than 600 different types of bacteria. The latest jungle fighting footwear is quiet, weatherproof, comfortable and lightweight with sturdy high ankle support for traversing steep slopes. It is made of flexible and durable Kevlar protected with a coat of synthetic latex embracing the boot providing a firm fit and is guaranteed to last longer than the enemy. The footwear is designed in the digital tiger stripe pattern matching the battle dress uniforms with shock absorbent black rubber soles which distributes impact energy evenly for less effort trekking. As DIA operatives their equipment is unmarked and untraceable in the event any of it falls in the hands of strangers.

The mission specific equipment is packed separately inside black titanium briefcases allocated to each unit member. These devices are military tough designed not to shutdown in the intense heat and humidity of adverse jungle conditions; Personal Digital Assistant - a military standard, extremely rugged, lightweight and versatile handheld with exceptional environmental resistant features providing blazing performance. The device is built to military specification furnished for high-speed data retrieval in a smart phone-type design with a 2.8 inch high-resolution full color liquid crystal display/touchscreen that is sunlight readable, scratch and shock resistant. It has a integrated ten mega pixel camera to enable on-the-spot high quality imaging. This global satellite positioning device also pinpoints exact location of ground forces and uses optional lines of communication to transfer data and contact personnel dependent on the situational location via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, modem, broadband, FM, short-range and wideband radio frequencies. The Mission Map Page includes various maps, a digital compass and provides interactive data which makes it simple to retrieve and send information on a fly. Micro Bomb Detector - a clip-on device so small it fits on a key chain designed to alert the presence of gamma ray, beta, fast neutron and x-ray radiation fields by producing audible and visual alerts. Also worn by the taskforce. Compact 7x50 Tactical Binocular - all-weather jungle camouflage military/marine optics with auto-focus for extremely fast target acquisition. Precision lenses provide a wide field of view with extraordinary brightness penetrates into low light picking up critical detail and movement through extended range of field even into the shadows and darkness. Vest mounted impact-proof camouflage clip-on carrying case.

ShootingStar’s pack equips the Bomb Detection/Defusing Kit inside two belt mounted foliage green travel cases that are impact, dust, water and chemical resistant. The cases contain a Portable Explosives/Metal Detector - a novel technology for the detection of explosives vapors that is more compact and sensitive than existing detection services. It detects the presence of explosive molecules without physical contact and in real-time. The sample acquisition system collects the sample, ionizes it with an electro-optical ionization scheme, identifies the sample via standard ion mobility technology and if an explosive is present produces a visual and audible alarm that can be switched off if necessary. The LCD displays the identity of the explosive present with automatic self calibration -no user intervention is required. The device is capable of detecting trace amounts of most commercial and military explosives, including RDX, PETN, HMX, TNT, Black Powder and Ammonium Nitrate nanograms level concentrations. A built-in metal detector is designed to locate landmines and electronic devices.

The other case carries a chemical that safely burns TNT and a reactive powder that breaks apart mines by increasing the internal pressure. The kit includes a small scissor to cut wires, a magnetic key to unlock electronically shut explosive casings, an alphanumeric sequencing device to decode high-tech improvised devices with digital triggering systems and a palm-sized lithium-ion battery powered drill with adjustable head to remove screws and bore holes in hard substances such as metal for disassembling and defusing devices rapidly on the spot. There is also a Compact Mobile Phone/Bombjammer - a revolutionary handheld device that provides wide area multi-band protection defeating Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices operating between 20 megahertz to 2.6 gigahertz, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The jammer emits a magnetic impulse to block frequencies used to trigger explosive devices including the electronic signals from precision timers.

DarkCloud is equipped with the Geo-Hawk video mapping system. It is a weather forecasting and GPS-based mapping instrument designed to give the user critical real-time information about what to expect up ahead as well as improve navigation. His helmet is fitted with a Forward Looking Infrared camera on the forehead panel. The camera activated via a power button located above aperture transmits video to the handheld mapping device. It uses a liquid crystal display unit with a four and a half inch color touchscreen as basis for providing detailed maps overlaid with weather radar and other relevant mission related information such as temperature, visibility and elevation; distance and location of troops. The system is linked to the military satellite network with access to various area maps available at the touch of the menu screen. It is a rugged precision navigation tool providing more details and sharper images than conventional GPS guided mobile navigation handhelds.

The changing quarters is located inside the hangar at the rear of the Control Tower Complex. It has direct access to the airfield. The unit emerges masked in the felicitous camouflaged war paint geared and primed for action wearing DTS thin-pack parachutes that are much lighter and more compact than the traditional type allowing the capability to egress aircrafts in an accident quicker than having to pull the chute out of the stowed position. These chutes have laptop compatible concealed dual padded pockets that fit PC’s up to 10.5” x 17”.They pass through the hangar containing a handful of spy planes most noticeably an X-45 Boeing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle being worked on by an Aircraft Maintenance Crew. There are numerous secret missions operating from out the airbase occurring simultaneously and all related to one another which includes the unit’s assignment. A US Marine Corps emblazoned jeep drives them to the tarmac to board the bulky MC-130 through the open aft cargo door engines revving to go. The ninety nine foot long foliage green four turboprop engine aircraft is carrying classified equipment for transportation. They’ll drop off the unit on the flight to its primary destination.

The 16Th Special Operations Wing is running the transport mission. It is the largest Air Force unit under the Air Force Special Operations Command, the Air Force component of the US Special Operations Command. They deploy with specially trained and equipped forces from each service, working as a team to support national security objectives. The wing manages the 15th Special Operations Squadron which employs the Talon II supporting unconventional warfare missions and Marine Corps Special Ops Forces working closely with Navy Special Ops Forces. Modifications to the aircraft allow aircrews to perform clandestine missions minimizing the chances of being detected by hostile radar systems. The aircraft’s Special Operations Command Crew consists of two pilots, one navigator and one electronic warfare officer. There is also a flight engineer, a radio operator, jumpmaster and two loadmasters well suited for rapid-deployment operations. The jumbo pulls out of the tarmac with the unit and cargo secured rolling south and reaches takeoff speed at a mile down the runway. It soars to a high altitude into the clear azure sky making a wide north turn than levels off for the nine hundred mile flight to the remote jungle location.

The chief pilot is Major Jake Vandermeer; a blue-eyed Canadian born Swiss journeyman who has completed extensive tours over the skies of Iraq and Afghanistan on various supply and recover missions helping the boots on the ground transport vital equipment and gear to continue fighting alongside and training with the young Iraqi and Afghan Forces. He is the Aircraft Commander sharing the responsibility of Mission Commander authorized to abort the operation if threats arise that could hamper the transportation of the classified equipment, extreme weather conditions deter delivery or the landing zone is too dangerous to infiltrate deemed by the on-the-ground forces. The tropical region of the mission area is prone to popup storms due to the dense jungle moisture accumulating in the humid atmosphere. Radar does nothing to detect these disturbances far in advance to avert being caught in adverse weather conditions. Sudden isolated storms can quickly intensify into mini-typhoons and tropical cyclones that travel fast, hit hard and are unpredictable. An aircraft of any size is no match for hurricane force winds which occasionally occur from time to time throughout the rainy season.

In the remote locations which Special Forces normally operate there are numerous of occupational hazards around every bend. And not only do enemy combatants present threats, but also poisonous creatures and rugged adverse conditions pose dangers if improperly trained and prepared for. It could mean life or death when hesitantly indecisive in a tight situation that calls for fast action to survive.

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